Tuesday, February 26, 2008

WCP (www.wildchildpublishing.com) is now open to poetry collections! Do you write poetry? Are you into free verse, iambic pentameter, glosas, or just have a true talent for penning vivid imagery in the form of poetry?

Submit 3 to 5 poems in the BODY of an email. Tell me a little about yourself and any prior publications you may have. Also, tell me what the basic theme is for your collection. Is it love poems? A mix of things? Poetry about life? The seasons?

If I like what I read, I will request the full collection.

Note: no ISBNs will be given for poetry. Collections will be in e-book format only.

This is great exposure for poets. WCP is growing fast and many big names watch our titles.

Send submissions and/or questions to editorfaith @ sbcglobal.net (close the spaces)


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